Do You Have to Speak in Tongues to Be Born Again

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The speaking of tongues is a            gift of the spirit, not a            fruit of the spirit. Information technology's a very subtle but extremely of import distinction.            Fruit of the Spirit            Galatians 5:22-23            The fruit of the Spirit is dear, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, cocky-command; against such things there is no constabulary.            Gift of the Spirit            1 Corinthians 12:seven-11            To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common expert. For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another organized religion past the same Spirit, to another a gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits,              to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are empowered by ane and the same Spirit, who apportions to each ane individually equally he wills.            1 Corinthians 12:27-30            Now you are the torso of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church building first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all piece of work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing?              Exercise all speak with tongues?              Do all interpret?            Conclusion            As you can run across from 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, each of us are given            unlike            gifts, for the mutual adept of all. But all our gifts come up from the one and the same Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:thirty confirms that not all will speak in tongues.  If you cannot speak in tongues, it does not mean you are not filled with the Holy Spirit. Information technology just ways yous do not accept that particular gift. That's all.

Oct 31 2013 24 responses Vote Upwards Share Report

Q jcryle001 JD Abshire

If yous read Acts 2:4-12 "tongues" was intelligible, descernable, languages that could be reduced to pen and paper. Pentecost was an assembly of Jews from different regions who spoke the language of that particular region (v. 8-11). the Holy Spirit enabled individuals with the souvenir of tongues in lodge for these not-native Jews to hear The Gospel in their native language.  Galatians five:22-23 lists fruit (prove) of the Spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: confronting such there is no law." Tongues is not mentioned.

Oct 31 2013 four responses Vote Upward Share Report

Cimg1043 Don Whitley Husband, father, grandpa and a Christian.

1 Cor. 13:8 Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if at that place are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be washed abroad.  These gifts were given to the apostles. The souvenir of tongues was, as some higher up have described, as being i speaking probably in his native language, but all the hearers heard in their own language or tongue.  The apostles had the gifts plus one. They could give the gifts to others, just others could non pass them on. Therefore, quite logically, this gifts would cease when all the apostles died and all that they gave the gifts as well would have died.  These gifts were to prove that Christ was who he claimed to be and the apostles were men of God, etc. We take the history preserved for us in our Bibles and so there is no need to again try to prove who Christ was/is.

Nov 01 2013 xx responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Mi Shad Ow Layman

It has been my experience that this question is from those in certain denominations that are seeking acceptance within their denomination. To show as proof that ane is filled with the spirit, 1 Corinthians 14:22 is misinterpreted/misquoted. So as to make those who do not feel left out, or less than. So with that said PLEASE take time to read ane Corinthians 14:22 as it is stated, if what I just stated applies.   If not then delight read Ephesians 5:18.  "In the original Greek, the phrase be filled is a present-tense verb. To signify a "ane-time filling," Paul would have used the past tense or a future verb tense; instead, he chose the present tense to denote that the filling of the Holy Spirit is non a i-fourth dimension event, but a continual experience. Scripture says that we must exist continually filled with the Spirit, not just once or twice." (Comiskey) Comiskey, Joel.The Filling of the Holy Spirit. ND. Web 1 Nov 2013

November 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Gregory Tomlinson Minister, hubby,father,grandfather,vet., college graduate

In the new testament information technology records speaking in tongues, in the old it records prophecy. Corinthians records the gifts as the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, a souvenir of religion, discernment of spirits, gifts of healing, miracles, different tongue, and estimation of tongues, and prophecy.   It could be one or several of these at different times as the spirit leads. I like to compare it to h2o baptism as you lot go in dry and you lot come out moisture, testify of the baptism is left backside, so it is, with the spirit with the gifts left equally evidence.   I think eventually all volition speak in tongue or sing in tongues as a form of worship and even praying tongues but this is different in that it is non the gift of languages mentioned above but the spirit helping y'all in a more personal way to worship and strengthen your spirit man.   This is sometimes misconceived equally the souvenir and is confusing when washed loudly in the congregation. Some churches pray out loud, this should be held at lower volumes so as not to cause confusion between the 2.  If you take seen no manifestation yet be patient it will come as the spirit moves you to apply it. You exercise not always have command of how or where and when as information technology is the spirit that volition teach you. Instead of thinking and meditating on the gift just put your mind on God and seek to enter His presence, and it will flow, but remember to be polite as information technology is for the betterment of the church, the perfecting of the saints and the piece of work of the ministry of reconciliation. do everything decently and in order without confusion.   You will over time manifest more than than one and the functioning gets easier with exercise and weaker if you do not but y'all cannot lose it. The administration will also vary at times and to varying degrees I call back because the moment is fluid to the situation.   It is important to recollect that the baptism although tin exist automatic with salvation, it is non ever a given and may need to be sought out. Some receive information technology chop-chop realizing that it is a souvenir freely given without bias and the blood of Jesus fabricated them worthy and others accept a hard time forgiving themselves and their religion needs built up and then it takes longer.   I will try an answer any other questions you have merely the Holy Ghost is the all-time teacher I know. Remember to be apprehensive and reverence the spirit every bit He will not force anything on you.  Maranatha

October 31 2013 half dozen responses Vote Up Share Study

Stringio Dale Richardson

The start thing that we take to consider is the purpose of the souvenir of tongues. And so we go back to the Old Testament. At the Tower of Babel in genesis 11:i-9 God confused the languages, because everyone spoke one language before. That's how we got them.   At present fast forward to the New Testament. Jesus gives the great commission in Matt 28:19,xx at present for the disciples this is an impossibility because the tin but speak their native language. Now enter the gift of tongues. Because when the Holy Spirit gives this gift it was given to over come language barriers to spread the gospel. The speakers too every bit the hearers could understand in every instance of the gift of tongues being manifested in acts.  Corinthians 14 is a very highly misused chapter in the bible. Through out the affiliate Paul is stating what the church in Corinth is doing then he states a correction for it. Tongues was given to edify the church not the individual. There are no other scripture anywhere in the bible that supports edifying yourself. It's unbiblical and goes against the role of the Holy Spirit.   John xiv-16 has a lot of verses that explain what the Holy Spirit does and his part is to fill the void left by Jesus and to bring the world to Jesus. The gift of tongues was given to spread the gospel non to edify the person speaking it.   Also what people today call the gift of tongues is too nowadays in Hinduism, Buddhism, in many pagan religions, including the priestesses at the oracle of Delphi in Aboriginal Greece. So are these non Christians baptized by the Holy Spirit considering they speak in ecstatics? No. If you say that tongues are a sign of the gift of the Holy Spirit then you lot would accept to conclude that these pagans have the Holy Spirit too.   With that beingness said the gifts are given out every bit the Holy Spirit sees fit one Corinthians 12:eleven Just all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. So the Holy Spirit gives the gift of tongues every bit he volition. In verse 29,30 of the same affiliate information technology asks, 29 [Are] all apostles? [are] all prophets? [are] all teachers? [are] all workers of miracles? 30 Take all the gifts of healing? Practise all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? The answer to all these questions is no.   The manifestation of the fruits of the spirit are a surefire sign that you lot are connected to Christ because Jesus said by their fruits ye shall know them I never always heard Jesus said past their gifts ye shall know them. Yes the gifts play a vital function in the spreading of the gospel we are to desire them and the spirit volition give to us as he sees fit to give them to u.s.a..

Apr 16 2015 ane response Vote Upward Share Report

Mini Chelsea Miller

Absolutely. Speaking in tongues is the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. And information technology's not that y'all must do it; you get to do it!  Acts 10:44-48 speaks of people'south astonishment when the Gentiles also received the Holy Spirit. Well, how did they know the Gentiles had been filled with the Holy Spirit? Verse 46 tells u.s.a., "For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God."  In John 7:37-39, Jesus says, "He that believeth on me, every bit the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall menstruum rivers of living water." The next poetry says, "(Just this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive..." So, what does this mean? The belly in Scripture speaks of our spirit, and the rivers and living water hither are both types of the Holy Ghost. So, out of your spirit shall flow rivers of the Holy Ghost! (Notice it says "shall", not "might".) And how does something flow out of you simply through your mouth?  The Bible declares in Ephesians 5:17-19, "Wherefore exist ye not unwise, simply agreement what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is backlog; merely exist filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making tune in your heart to the Lord;" There are a few things to note hither:  1) Information technology is the volition of God.  2) The word "filling" here means a continual filling.  three) The Hebrew word for "spiritual" used hither ways "not-carnal, ethereal, or supernatural." And then, it is the will of God to be continually filled and speak to yourself in non-carnal, ethereal, supernatural songs, or simply put, to speak in tongues and sing in the Spirit.  four) It says to "be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves..." This, to me, says that there should exist something coming out from united states of america, because we are filled with the Spirit. We aren't filled just to be filled. Nosotros are filled to pour out, kickoff to God, and and then to others. And that starts with tongues, because the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues is the door into all the things of the Spirit.  Acts ii:four and Acts nineteen:six also confirm that when you are filled with the Holy Ghost, yous tin can then speak with tongues. There is so much confusion and error concerning the baptism of the Holy Ghost, so I encourage you and anyone reading this to search the Scriptures yourself to see what the Bible really has to say. I pray that Jesus would prove you His glorious truth within His give-and-take. Jesus is precious!

January 17 2014 5 responses Vote Upward Share Report

Mini Johnnatta Giles Spirit Filled Christian

Nosotros are all given a spiritual language. If you want to grow in the Spirit that spiritual linguistic communication must be used. Paul says in 1 Cor 14:18 "I give thanks God I speak with tongues more than than ye all" Paul is stating the importance of speaking in tongues and that it is is a devotional gift that it is to be used in prayer. Paul explains that but certain people will exist used in public ministry building of tongues. In 1 Cor 12:28 Paul list diversities of tongues as a gift. People say that is why non anybody can speak in a natural language. Just that is non true. Non all will be used for public ministry of tongues but you have a spiritual langue that you lot may use in prayer.   Information technology does not e'er come correct away after being Baptized in the Holy Spirit. It is your choice to use it. You lot have to let the Holy Spirit grow that linguistic communication because it is Him that releases information technology through you.  Exercise not get too spiritual near this. I did one time and it really messed up my prayer life trying to get some kind of "feeling" out of the situation. I thought if i dont feel some kind of wonderful feeling or go goose bumps so nothing is happening. The Lord said To me "Yous already know your language so only speak it. Get out of your head and stop trying to experience something considering our human relationship is non a feeling."  I recommend Kenneth Eastward Hagin'southward book Gifts of The Spirit. Information technology really helped me empathize a lot when I was merely baptized in the spirit. God bless you!

January 17 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini John Canfield

No I am not a Jehova Witness. I came out of Catholicism in 1980 and was baptized into the Lords church. I worship with the saints at Dale City VA.  Tongues - no Tongues. What impact does information technology take on salvation? None.  Pentecostals maintain if you lot do not speak in tongues yous have non received the Holy Spirit.   Homo made dogma. Completely unscriptural. I have heard three people now speak "in tongue" praying to the Lord. Each time there were unbelievers in the room. Individuals who had non accustomed Jesus every bit Lord all the same. This should non take taken place in their presence co-ordinate to the scriptures.  If it is non from God and it is happening, you know the source. I see and hear division and it should not be!

Jan 23 2014 two responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Phillip Ramirez Actor-Musician-Bible Student

i Cor. xiii:8–"There is the gift of speaking what God has revealed, but information technology volition no longer exist used. There is the gift of speaking in other languages, but it will terminate past itself. At that place is the gift of cognition, but it will no longer be used."- (GOD'S Discussion translation)  Co-ordinate to this scripture, some of Jesus' start-century followers had special gifts of "tongues", just these were to cease. (ane Corinthians 12:29, 30; 13:8, 13) Truthful Christians today are identified, not by acts of tongues or healing, but past the bond of self-sacrificing love. (John 13:35) If we look at the state of modernistic Christianity, would you say that these gifts of tongues or healing have produced a genuine family of Christians from all races and backgrounds who are bound together by such dearest... or would you lot say that speaking in tongues is a relatively isolated event?  The miraculous gift of tongues was a product of the outpouring of God's spirit at Pentecost, 33 C.E. The approximately 120 disciples assembled in an upper room were enabled through holy spirit to speak about "the magnificent things of God" in the native tongues of the Jews and proselytes who had come up to Jerusalem from faraway places for the observance of the festival. This was actually a fulfillment of Joel's prophecy (Joel 2:28-32) proved that God was using the new Christian congregation and no longer the Jewish congregation. In order to receive the gratuitous gift of the holy spirit, the Jews and proselytes had to repent and exist baptized in Jesus' name.—Ac 1:13-15; two:1-47.  The gift of tongues proved very helpful to first-century Christians in preaching to those who spoke other languages. Information technology was actually a sign to unbelievers. Paul, in writing to the Christian congregation at Corinth, directed that when meeting together, not all should speak in tongues, as strangers and unbelievers entering and not understanding would think they were crazy. He also recommended that the speaking in tongues "be limited to ii or three at the most, and in turns." However, if no ane could translate, so the person speaking in a natural language was to remain silent in the congregation, speaking to himself and to God. (1Co 14:22-33) If no translating took place, his speaking in a natural language wouldn't result in upbuilding others, because no one would heed to his speech... information technology would be meaningless to those unable to understand it.—1Co fourteen:2, four.  If the person speaking in a tongue was unable to interpret, so he didn't empathise what he himself was proverb... so neither would others who were not familiar with that tongue, or language. So Paul encouraged those having the gift of tongues to pray that they might also translate and thereby edify all listeners. From the foregoing, it can readily be seen why Paul, under inspiration, ranked speaking in tongues equally a bottom gift and pointed out that in a congregation he would rather speak 5 words with understanding than 10,000 words in a natural language.—1Co 14:11, 13-nineteen.  In a nutshell: the souvenir of speaking in tongues was a sign that God was using the newly formed Christian congregation and that, once the congregation was firmly established, at that place was no need of speaking in tongues to indicate God's favor.  Good question... made me do some research! Promise this info helps!

January 17 2014 sixteen responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Nadine Harris

Acts two:one-four KJV  And when the twenty-four hour period of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and information technology filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

November 02 2013 one response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Randolph Batcho Pastor(Function fourth dimension)

Speaking in tongues or languages, every bit it should be known is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is given for a specific reason and not to be babbled as some do. If yous read 1 Corinthians 14 yous will clearly understand what the Apostle is saying.   The LORD Jesus Christ never spoke or prayed in tongues. Y'all never read in the New Attestation after the day of Pentecost where whatsoever of the Apostles speaking or praying in tongues.   The gift of tongues does not operate today every bit we all know some way of communicating. Having said that, information technology is still the wish of the Holy Spirit to give that gift to anyone who needs it. Only similar some missionaries who go to a remote area where they do not speak or understand the language. All the same it is the will of the Holy Spirit.   I used to speak and pray in tongues, and when I read 1 Corinthians 14 I realised that I was fooling myself. Praying in the Spirit is not praying in a tongue as people accept been misguided and mislead by this scripture. Information technology is being led past the Holy Spirit as you pray.   The gift of tongues was a sign of the new church (torso of Christ) beingness formed and it is not what is been prayed in some churches today.  I have seen in some churches one person gets up and speaks in a tongue and then he translates. I call up it is a joke, because nosotros all understand English and if GOD wants to speak to us HE will speak in English language and not gibberish.   Furthermore the Bible says if you speak in a tongue you also should interprate or there should be one who should be able to interprate, if not you should keep placidity. SO my question is does the Holy Spirit know that at that place are no interpreters on site when HE speaks?   May GOD and His Holy Spirit guide and lead you all into the real truth. GOD Bless

January 17 2014 4 responses Vote Up Share Study

Mini Barbara A Webb

At that place is a misunderstanding which confuses things. The "Gift of Tongues" is for edifying the church, and is given to some individuals every bit a special gift to build up the church. The "Souvenir of the Holy Spirit" or the Baptism with the Holy Spirit with the accompanying "tongues", is personal and is for edfying the Christian himself only. This is for every Christian.  Paul explains the "Gifts of the Spirit" to the church and how they are to be operated in 1 Corinthians 12-14. They are specifically for edifying the church.  The 3 song gifts are, prophesy, tongues and interpretation. The Gift of Prophesy is human being giving a bulletin from God Tongues with the Interpretation = the same as prophesy – homo giving a message from God  1 Cor 14:1-4 14:1 Follow the style of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. 2 For anyone who speaks in a natural language does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit.  3 Simply everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. iv He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, only he who prophesies edifies the church.  Gift of Tongues: to edify the Church building 1 Cor 14:26-28 26 What so shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of didactics, a revelation, a natural language or an estimation. All of these must exist done for the strengthening of the church. 27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, ii-or at the most three-should speak, 1 at a fourth dimension, and someone must translate. 28 If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God. (Quietly and privately) NIV  Gift of the Holy Spirit: To Edify the Christian himself 1 Cor 14:13-16 fourteen For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. 15 What is the conclusion so? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I volition sing with the spirit, and I volition likewise sing with the understanding. NKJV  Jude twenty But yous, beloved, building yourselves up on your near holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, NKJV

January 18 2014 2 responses Vote Upward Share Study

Mini Tom howard Contender of the Faith

There are four times in the volume of Acts were tongues are given as show of receiving the Holy Spirit 1).Acts 2:4; 2) Acts 8:17-19; iii) Acts x;45,46; iv) Acts 19:5,6. The simply one that did non specifically say they spoke in tongues was Acts 8:17-19. Here Simon who was once into sorcery only later believed, offered the Apostles coin after noticing the Holy Spirit was given by laying on of easily. It was something since he was motivated to pay coin for it. Since nosotros see iii other times tongues were accompanying the giving of the Holy Spirit, tongues must accept been what Simon observed!. It would be hard pressed to believe it was something other than tongues. This request of Simon, of class, was rebuked past the Apostles.   Marker 16:17 says this "sign of speaking with new tongues" shall follow them that believe. Don't be robbed of a wonderful gift. It's a heavenly prayer language for those that believe. Remember it'southward not the souvenir of tongues we are afterwards, just the person of the Holy Spirit. Tongues will follow. John vii:38, "He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water".

January 19 2014 i response Vote Up Share Report

Img 3185 %282%29 Meluleki Maphosa Amateur Bible Student

i.	"Tongues" is another proper name for language: Gen ten:20, Isa 66:18, Mar sixteen:17, Rev 7:ix, Rev 10:11 etc. 2.	"Tongues" is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit but is non the only gift. three.	 "Tongues" appears as an issue in the Church in Paul's writings to the Church of Corinth. There is no other tape of the "tongues" existence an issue other than it existence a fruit of the Holy Spirit.   In Mat 28: 16 Jesus gives His Jewish disciples the Great commission (they only spoke the Jewish language). Marker 16: 17 and then tells them how they would be equipped to conduct out that commission, would be enabled to speak in other languages/ tongues. Nosotros see this in Acts 2:ane-13 how the gift of the Holy Spirit was manifested when it was needed. Hither was an opportunity to preach to a diverse group of people with diverse tongues. That is why the Holy Spirit gave them that gift (the disciples spoke in the tongues/ languages that most of these visitors to Jerusalem could sympathise) and the event was wonderful conversion of about 3000 (and 5000 a few days afterwards)! Now imagine these people now going dorsum to their homes all over the world. Surely the gift of tongues was crucial to the growth of the church building. A similar incident is recorded in Acts ten:44.    In Acts nineteen:4-five there is a similar incident where the recipients prophesized (preached) in other languages/ tongues. In all the above incidents there is no mention of anyone needed to interpret the "tongue"? Why? Considering there was no need to! These people were speaking known and spoken languages to communicate a bulletin.    But why the apparent confusion in the issue of tongues today? I believe that like every skilful gift of God to the church, the devil has found a fashion to hijack and twist it and add popular/ exciting dimensions to it. It has occupied the minds of unsuspecting Christians who are being led further and further from the truth. Tongues have of a sudden get a primal event of focus rather than humbly growing in Christ through studying Word of God. I am sure the devil is delighted with the results of his endeavor in this regard, information technology has been then effective.    I would be doing a dandy disservice if I do not explain Paul's message in one Cor fourteen Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, specially prophecy (preaching/ pedagogy). 2 For anyone who speaks in a natural language[a] does not speak to people just to God. Indeed, no 1 UNDERSTANDS them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.3 Only the one who prophesies (preaches/ teaches) speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. iv Anyone who speaks in a natural language edifies themselves, but the 1 who prophesies (preaches/ teaches) edifies the church. 5 I would like every ane of you to speak in tongues,[b] but I would rather have you lot prophesy (preach/ teach). The 1 who prophesies (preaches/ teaches) is greater than the one who speaks in tongues,[c] unless someone interprets, so that the church may exist edified. 6 Now, brothers and sisters, if I come to y'all and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of teaching? vii Even in the case of lifeless things that make sounds, such every bit the pipe or harp, how will anyone know what tune is being played unless there is a distinction in the notes? 8 Over again, if the trumpet does not sound a articulate call, who will go ready for battle? 9 And so it is with yous. Unless y'all speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what y'all are proverb? You will just be speaking into the air.    Paul in my view was addressing a problem in this particular church in Corinth. It was a cosmopolitan church with members with many languages. Naturally in church similar this sermons became a challenge. A brother who speaks Latin wants to preach or pray in Latin. Another brother wants to speak in Ethiopian, Arabic etc. There was demand to put society into this church to prove that God is a God of social club not confusion.

April 17 2015 0 responses Vote Upwards Share Report

Data Julian Grear

Here is my answer from experience. It is a gift to speak in tongues and it is by all means optional to speak information technology only if you accept the souvenir of tongue speaking, which can but occur if the Holy Spirit is active inside of you. Nevertheless in some cases, especially during anointing services, the Holy Spirit fills people to the extent that they loose themselves and only tongues come out of their mouths. Information technology is very good to speak in tongues when praying since the bible says that he who speaks in an unknown natural language edifies himself.

January 17 2014 vii responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Richard Van Slyke

I believe sometimes we have to add together "praying in the Spirit" every bit we are told to do. I believe sometimes people call up they are "speaking in tongues" when they are actually "praying in the Spirit" and so they should also exist praying in their mind.

January 17 2014 0 responses Vote Upwardly Share Study

Stringio Jeanine Schaefer creature advocate & culinary mad scientist

The gift of Tongues, beginning of all, do Non go to ALL believers. (1 Cor 12:30), and it is a gift to the church body as in that location MUST exist a translator as well, or if not, so the person that DOES speak in tongues, is to continue silent, because it CANNOT be understood (i Cor 14:27-28).the gift of tongues is Not a souvenir separate from the other gifts of the Spirit, and NONE of the gifts are important as beloved (one Cor 13:viii). The gifts Practise Non PROVE you are saved or accept the Holy Spirit. Only God truly knows the heart.   Yes, you will know a tree by it's fruit, and a good tree WILL produce expert fruit, but that is a Product (an AFTEREFFECT) of your salvation, not the Crusade of your salvation. As nosotros know, there ARE moral atheists, agnostics, and some very "expert" unsaved other faiths that aren't Christian, that exhibit some traits that would coincide with the gifts, like humbleness or joy, or even their version of tongues. That DOESN'T fill them with the Holy Spirit. The upper room was a In one case consequence of the earth beingness introduced to the Holy Spirit in a new way, similar how Jesus existence born was how he was existence introduced to the world in a new way. He ALWAYS WAS, and IS, and Will BE. Jesus was with God in the beginning of things, just like the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit was PROMISED by Jesus every bit a COMFORTER. It hadn't fifty-fifty been 24 hours since Jesus'due south death and they were being COMFORTED(John xiv:16). the Holy Spirit likewise teaches u.s.a. and gives u.s.a. gifts of the it is only plumbing equipment that the Holy Spirit came to them at that time to COMFORT them, teach them and give them the gifts of the spirit that THEY would peculiarly Need at that fourth dimension.

April 17 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Written report

1359338773 Bessie Mariner

Look at Acts nineteen:: 1-7. Hither we find group of 12 disciples who state they were baptized with Johns baptism. They already believed but had not heard about the Holy Ghost. So then Paul taught them and they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Afterwards all this, they still needed to have Paul lay his easily on them: " And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied". Thus it appears they already were believers just still needed to have impartation through the laying on of hands to get the Holy Ghost.  Again in Acts viii: 16-18 we find believers who were baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ needing to have Peter and John pray for them to receive the Holy Ghost. Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:  15 Who, when they were come up down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:  16 (For as notwithstanding he was fallen upon none of them: simply they were baptized in the proper noun of the Lord Jesus.) Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the discussion of God, they sent unto them Peter and John: xv Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: 16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: but they were baptized in the proper name of the Lord Jesus.) Simon the sorcerer saw this and wanted the power to lay hands on people and see them get the Holy Ghost. WHAT DO You THINK SIMON THE SORCERER SAW? HE HAD TO SEE SOMETHING HAPPEN! ACTS nineteen tells usa what was seen.

April sixteen 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Data Scotty Searan I am a associate minister.

My opinion is that speaking in tongues is the evidence of the Filling of the Holy Ghost. I know, because I am 1 of those 'Tongue Talkers' as I've been chosen.  So I know it has not passed away. If it has, when did it pass abroad?  I do take a prayer language. Romans 8:26. Sometimes when I utilise the prayer language, I accept received the interpretation sometimes earlier I finished praying.  When I speak in tongues in public, I will interpret by the Holy Spirit what was said, if no one else gives the interpretation.  I have sit in services and told my wife that a bulletin was fixing to be given and it happened every fourth dimension I had that feeling.  I exercise not believe that the Holy Spirit tin can be imparted by laying on of hands. Though the laying on of easily could exist considered a bespeak of contact.  The Apostles did non receive information technology by laying on of hands.  There is a bespeak you need to remember that there was 120 people in the Upper Room. Meet Acts 1:13-16.  It would appear then there was 120 + languages spoke on the Day of Pentecost? Were at that place people there who did not sympathise the languages being spoken? Was every spiritual utterance understood?  It merely speaks of xv nationalities of people. But the Bible says everyone heard the gospel in their own language.  Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the aforementioned 24-hour interval at that place were added unto them about three thousand souls.  How did the disciples at this time know these people were saved? I believe it was through receiving the Holy Ghost with speaking in another language just similar they had seen the Apostles and those with them in the Upper Room received.  I do not believed that Peter hear was preaching a two-stride conservancy, but a one step process.  Just recollect almost it, Three m people beingness baptized in i twenty-four hour period by 12 apostles. It took the power of the Holy Ghost to give these men strength to do such a affair.  I exercise not believe Peter and the other xi Apostles was Preaching a piece of cake-believism conservancy that is taught today. He taught Repentance.  Maybe this has helped someone.

April 17 2015 1 response Vote Up Share Written report

Mini James Kraft 74 yr old retired pipeline worker

No. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit when we first believed the gospel of our conservancy. Ephesians 1:13. And then speaking tongues has nothing to exercise with having the spirit. Every laic has the Spirit in them who is our righteousness. Romans eight:9 says if nosotros do not accept the spirit we are none of His, but all believers take the spirit.   And then speaking in tongues has cipher to practice with having the spirit in you. All believers accept the spirit.

June 06 2017 0 responses Vote Upwards Share Report

Mini Bessie F Scott

There is a difference in having the Gifts of Tongues, and the Gifts of the Spirit. There seems to be some confusion but if you read the Word in Acts there are several instances where when they were baptized in The Spirit 1 of the evidences is that they would speak in tongues, see Acts nineteen:half dozen; Acts ii:iv; Acts x:44-48. Written report God'south Word and the Holy Spirit will give an understanding. God does non change He is the same today, yesterday and forever. Amen!

April 16 2015 ane response Vote Upward Share Report

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